Tuesday, May 3, 2011


In this lesson I was able to find text only logos very easily and same with text and symbol logos, but I could only find one logo with text, symbol, and product in it.

Below is my text only logo. The FedEx Logo:

I like this logo because it has two different colors and to me the ex means tha
t is my packages are going to get places EXtra fast and speedy. This a logo that is seen around the world and associated with fast delivery of packages.

My symbol and text logo is the Nike logo:
I think that I picked this logo because I love that it goes it well with their slogan "Just do it." Almost as if you can mark off having all the things that will absolutely put you to the top off your list.

I struggled with finding the last logo tremendously:

I feel like this is another logo that is known world wide. It makes me think refreshing. It is a bright logo that everyone is going to relate to. Working at a bar we always have on our guns regular Coke and diet Coke. No one ever asks me we for whiskey and Pepsi. This to me means that this logo and the Coke corporation it's self have a lot of good marketing and good promotion.

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